Competition Results

Track results are generally uploaded live to ResultsHQ and are avaliable immeditately from your ResultsHQ account.

Please note that some results may be missing or discrepancies may be found until results are checked over by the club, which may then result in some changes during the week after competition.

Field results are not live and will ber entered by the club in the days after the competition day. Belmont Athletics Centre endeavour to have these entered by the Friday of the week after or usually sooner.

If there are any result errors or missing results after the Friday, please email Please state your child's full name, gender and age-group with your query.

Please note that corrections will appear in HQ but not on the full Centre summary after it has already been posted.

Individual Family Results

For Individual Family results please click here Results HQ

Winter Results

For  Winter Results for the Cross Country Season please check in your results HQ Profile.

Winter results are all available online.