Refund Policy

The Terms and Conditions of KLLAC Registration clearly state that no refunds are given unless there is a medical certificate and the athlete will be unable to train or compete for the remainder of the season.

  • All parents or guardians registering their children must read the conditions and tick the box online in order for their registration to be completed.
  • As soon as a registration is paid the system automatically allocates $90 to the state association.
  • Any refund from KLLAC will be minus the $100 from Athletics West and a $15 administration and handling fee to KLLAC.
  • Please note that if a refund is given due to a medical certificate, the refund with be pro-rata to the number of weeks left in the season.

Consideration for a refund outside of medical will be given if:

  • The athlete has not competed during the season and
  • The athlete has attended no more than two (2) training sessions.

To get a refund from KLLAC/BAC

  1. Email:  with your reason for requesting a refund and/or a Copy of the Medical Certificate and Signed Athletics West Form.
  2. KLLAC will sign the form and then forward it to Athletics West. (please see conditions below re the refund of the Athletics West portion)
  3. Before any refunds can be issued your numbers need to be returned to KLLAC.
  4. Where a refund is granted from KLLAC you will be notified by email.
  5. Please note that with any refund a portion of $15 is retained to cover administration and handling fees.
  6.  Refund requests for the KLLAC portion (outside of medical) must be made within 4 weeks from the date of registration- after this date no refund will be given.

Refund Request Form

For the Request for a refund form please click here:

To get a refund from Athletics West

KLLAC will forward your refund request along with your medical certificate and numbers to Athletics West. However to get the Athletics West portion  i.e.  The registration fee paid to Athletics West ($110) your request must meet the following conditions and circumstances: Athletics West Refund Policy