Training Times

KLLAC is based at Kostera Oval in Kalamunda.

Summer Training is held there on Monday and Wednesday with the Centre competition on Saturday mornings.

We also may have special twilight meets  See the Competition Calendar.

Training Days for the 2024/25 Summer Season

We train on Monday and Wednesday nights.

Training commences on Monday: 16th September 2024

Training is held two times per week. Whilst we recommend you try and attend at least one session, they are not compulsory. At least 1 parent/guardian must be in attendance when your athlete is at training. We do ask that where possible you get involved and assist. This may be things like helping set up equipment, assisting with controlling and directing the kids or assisting the coaches with coaching cues and technique.

Training Times for Summer


U6 -U17: 5:30pm – 6:30pm Track specific sprint/ middle distance training


U6 -U17: Thursday 5:00pm- 6:30pm Technical  Field event training 

Coaches & Parent Helpers

Our club is run by volunteers and as we are a family club, we ask all Parents to have an active role in all training sessions. The coaches need your assistance in helping run as the more help we have the better quality of training we can achieve making it more enjoyable for everyone. The kids will also love that you are out there with them. No experience in coaching is necessary, just a fun positive attitude is all that’s needed. Just like the kids, learn as you go. We have some excellent training videos you can watch to learn the basics, but essentially we need you there to help direct and keep the athletes safe.

Training & Safety Policy

The Club will ensure the utmost duty of care in providing your child/ren with a safe and pleasant environment in which to train. We do however have a training policy that requires a parent or guardian to be present and onsite at all times.

The Club will not take responsibility for your child’s safety if they are left unattended.