Parent Roster Information

Rosters are an important part of our club
Volunteer participation may take a variety of forms including coaching, site officiating, equipment set up and pack away, assistance in the canteen or participation on our committee.

We ask that volunteers arrive on time to commence their roster as late arrivals cause delays to our competition days.

The club reserves their right to exclude an athlete from end of season awards if their parent does not participate or fails to fulfill their roster. Extreme cases may also result in refusal to accept your registation with the club for the following season.  This may also impact the ability of the child to be eligible for centre championship days.

How the Roster works

As with prior years, there are various roles that work on a three week rotation system.  

When you are on roster, you are required to sign-on to that event at the Recorders desk. It's basically "first in, first served" for the best positions.

The process on arrival is:

1. Sign in at the Parent Roster's desk (left hand side of canteen)

2. Join the Key Official when your event/site number is announced

3. Pack down your site when the last group has completed their event

4. Return equipment back to the shed

 Each week the roster champ will assign parents to positions/events. It is the aim that you will be on roster every second or third week.

For site and other volunteers, the roles are carefully planned so that we have the right amount of parents to function efficiently and effectively with such a large number of athletes.

Only one parent/guardian from each family needs to nominate for a roster duty. If you have prefered dates for roster completion due to availability then it is up to you to inform our roster champ of your available dates. 

What if I can’t do my roster?

It is preferred that you either swap with someone on another week’s roster or send another family member along. Once a roster has been set it is up to you to arrange to swap with another parent if needed. 

If you have exceptional circumstances please email the roster champ - Rosters will be maintained through the heja app

What if I am new and don’t know what to do?

Please do not be too concerned if you know little about athletics. Others will be in the same position. We have a very helpfull committee and during training sessions one of our members will be more than happy to walk you through event requirements. More experienced parents are always on hand to provide assistance also and it will be unlikely a whole event will have unexperienced parent helpers. The first 2 weeks of the season we have officials and committee members helping whilst new families learn the ropes so this is a perfect time to get involved so you are familiar with what is required.

Roster Important Key points

  1. All parents are expected to do a 2-3 weekly roster.
  2. Rosters are for a period of approximately 4 hours per 2-3 weeks.
  3. Set up starts at 7am / Pack up starts when equipment is finished with and can be safely packed away.
  4. If your site finishes early please report to the Arena Manager as other sites may need help
  5. All parents must sign on at the sign on desk near the canteen before comp starts.

Roster Rules for sites and recording

Here are some important points for working on a site or recording on our results sheets.

  • Please mark out the record.
  • Please write names and numbers neatly & legibly.
  • If an athlete is absent on the day please write DNS on the sheet.
  • If an athlete competes, but does not recorded a legal jump or throw please a X.
  • In the jumps and throws please complete the BEST column.
  • Please let the athlete know if a PB is recorded.
  • Please note any spelling errors in the names.
  • If a record is broken or appears to have been set immediately advise the site official who will contact the Arena Manager who will attend to verify.
  • Make sure that markers/mats/bars are not touched if a record appears to have been set.